Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Are Ruk Ja re Bande!

"So many people are in so much hurry . That guy in a silver Swift behind my car who is honking is in a hurry to get to his office. Students are in a hurry to read their chapters before they face the exams . My boss is in a hurry to get that report .That waiter at McDonalds is in a hurry to serve table number 4. People sitting at table number 4 are in a hurry to eat what comes to the table. People at the boarding gate are in a hurry to get onto the plane . When it lands , they are in a hurry to get out of it. Everybody is in a hurry to get somewhere . Few people want to stay in the moment they are in."

(picked up from 'My Dayz with Myself')

Do you do that to yourself? Stop by for a moment and see, life's beautiful!


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