Monday, October 08, 2007


Perfection, is that a journey or a destination? What is the quest all about? Does it make any difference if it’s internal or externally motivated? Am I to be perfect in my own right, in a personal quest or is it that I want to showcase something to the world, or do something in the exemplary perfect fashion to make a statement. What’s the cause and what’s the effect. Accolades motivate perfection or is it perfection that is entailed by accolades anyway? There’s always an inspiration, but that can’t just be material benefits. Is that recognition? Perhaps not. Maslow answered that with his need hierarchy model, that the ultimate quest in life is not for someone else, but for your own self actualization. You would seek security for your near and dear ones, with food, shelter and clothing. You would like to love and be loved, quench your social needs. There would be a need for esteem too, to be socially recognized. For all of these things, you’d pursue success, not perfection.

In behavioral denominations, success is perhaps more akin to a satisficing behavior, when your benchmarks are external and the effort is to just cross that barrier.

While pursuing perfection, the external benchmarks become irrelevant. Your good life is your own personal goal. It’s your object to make this journey called life an evolutionary one. It’s not a destination that you’ll reach one day and say, it’s perfect. More likely, you’ll live a life and at the end of it, turn back to say that, yeah, it’s been perfect. Most people won’t have that feeling of having lived a rather complete and perfect life. How close you can move to it, is going to determine how content you are when you’re saying goodbye to earthly life.


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